Termite inspection and treatment - house wooden cladding

Our Termite Treatment Process

All our termite treatments are carried out according to Australian Standards 3660.2-2017 and follow the AEPMA Termite Treatment Industry Code of Practice.

The treatment follows 4 key steps:

  • Carry out a comprehensive termite inspection 
  • Propose and agree to a termite treatment plan based on the inspection results
  • Eliminate active termites from the building
  • Install a termite management system to protect the home into the future

Following this robust process ensures the successful elimination of termite problems as quickly as possible, giving our customers the peace of mind that their homes are safe and protected from termites.

Comprehensive Termite Treatments for Mount Gambier and Surrounds

Call now to arrange an inspection and quote

The Process

It may be obvious that you have termites, but the termite inspection is a vital part of the process. By carrying out a comprehensive inspection we can

- Determine the areas and scale of the termite activity/damage
- Pinpoint all the termite entry points
- Try and locate the termite nest(s) attacking your home (not always possible)
- Determine which termite species is causing the problem
- Identify construction faults that may have allowed the termites to enter
- List any environmental conditions that may have contributed to the termite attack

This information is vital so we can determine the correct treatment process and select the most appropriate products. It allows us to eliminate the termites as quickly as possible and protect your home.
The proposal will contain details on the treatment process to eliminate termites and the recommended termite management system to provide long-term protection for your home.

It will contain all the information required for you to make a decision on your preferred treatment.

- The termite treatment proposal we present will be based on
- The nature of the termite infestation
- The construction of the building
- Any environmental factors at play
- Your preferences
- Budget considerations

We will tend to have a preferred option for your situation, but sometimes there may be more than one option. We can start the treatment once the termite treatment plan has been agreed upon.
There are two parts to eliminating the termites from a building.

- Find and destroy any termite nests on the property
- Eliminate active termites from inside the building

Although every effort is made to find and destroy termite nests on your property, they are often very hard to locate (as they are typically underground or in trees). Even if nests are located and destroyed, there is no guarantee that those are the nests that are attacking your home. As such, the termites inside the building have to be treated directly.

Eliminating termites from inside the property normally takes between 2 weeks and 3 months, depending on the products used and the nature of the infestation.

Once the termites have been eliminated, we can install a termite management system to provide long-term protection for your property.
A termite management system is a product installed around the perimeter of your property to prevent termites from entering the building without being noticed. The system is designed to work in conjunction with the structural elements of your building.

There are two types of termite management systems.

- Liquid termiticide treatments to the soil
- Termite monitoring and baiting systems

Whereas we normally recommend soil treatments as the best option for buildings in regional SA, sometimes termite monitoring and baiting systems are a better option for the building construction or soil type found on your property.
Termite treatments and protection - termite foams and baits - wooden fence infested with termites
Termite treatments - termite destroyed wood

Termite Product Information

Spiderman SE is accredited to apply a wide range of high-quality, specialist termite products to deal with termite infestations. The choice of product will very much depend on the situation we find on your property.

Treating Active Termites

When we treat active termites in your home, we may use one of two products

  • Termite foams
  • Termite baits

Foams kill the termites that come into contact with them and can be transferred to other termites, magnifying their effect. As long as enough termites come into contact with the treatment, foam treatments can be very successful and very quick.

However, in other situations, termite bait will be the better option. A termite bait is an attractive termite food containing a slow-acting insecticide. Termites feed on the bait, taking it back to the nest, where it is fed to the queen and other termites. In addition to eliminating active termites from the building, it will also kill the colony. However, it will take longer to work (typically 1-3 months).

Protecting Your Home From Termites

Termiticide Soil Treatments

Liquid termiticides are applied to the soil around your property, creating a treated zone or “barrier”. Termites are either repelled by the chemical or killed when they try to enter the treated soil.

Our preferred product for soil treatments is Termidor. As accredited Termidor installers, we can offer a $2 million treatment assurance warranty on qualifying treatments.

Although liquid soil treatments are often our preferred termite management system, termite monitoring and baiting systems are a better option for certain construction types, rocky soils, or sloping blocks.

Termite Monitoring and Baiting Systems

Termite monitoring and baiting systems consist of plastic housing installed in the ground around your home. Traditional monitoring systems contain samples of wood. If termites are active in the area, they will start feeding on this wood. This activity is picked up in the regular inspections (every 6-12 weeks), and then a termite bait is added, which the termites feed on, ultimately killing the colony.

Spiderman SE uses Sentricon AlwaysActive which is the latest in termite baiting systems. It is different from traditional termite monitoring and baiting systems in that it does not use wood and then replace it with bait – it simply contains termite bait from the point of installation, meaning it is always active, protecting your home.


Finding termites can be a shock and quite upsetting. We have all heard horror stories of homes so damaged that they are structurally unstable and families devastated by huge repair bills.

Prevention is the best cure, but if you have already found termites in your property, read through the following important information before you do anything.

Termite infestations are usually discovered by accident. Termites travel in what is called "mud tubes" and keep themselves concealed between walls, in roof and subfloor voids and occasionally in furniture. Signs of termites may include mud tubes, discoloured, flaking or bubbling paint, soft spots in the wall or door/window frames, swollen timbers, electrical connection problems and sometimes small piles of dirt, often hidden in the corners of cupboards.

Termites are often (incorrectly) called "white ants" because of their appearance. If you have found an area with the above signs and the presence of small white-looking 'ants', unfortunately, you may have found termites on your property.
The most important thing you can do is NOT disturb them any further.

You may be tempted to spray them with insect or surface spray and clean up the dirt and damage. Don't! Our aim is to eradicate termites from your home, and the best results are achieved by treating them by applying special products directly to the live termites and their workings. By disturbing them, they may retreat and block off the area from their tunnel network that leads back to the nest. This makes treatment much more difficult and much less successful.

Secondly, don't panic! If you have found termites, they are likely to have been there for some time and will not cause significant damage in a few days. Your first step is to have the property inspected by a technician who is qualified and experienced in termite work. At Spiderman SE, our technicians are qualified and accredited and have extensive experience in all types of termite applications.
Again, don't panic.

Don't disturb them further and arrange an inspection as soon as possible. There are still treatment options available if you have disturbed the termites, and we will be able to provide information on the suitable treatment options.

Finding termites is a good thing, as you can now take steps to eradicate them. Imagine the damage they could continue to cause if you had not found them.
No. Spraying surfaces for termites does not work. Spraying termites directly with pesticides will kill the ones you hit but will not kill the colony from which they came.

Effective termite treatment consists of 4 key steps:
1. Carry out a comprehensive termite inspection.
2. Propose and agree to a termite treatment plan based on the inspection results.
3. Eliminate active termites from the building.
4. Install a termite management system to protect the home into the future.